Natural Family News

August 20, 2006

Viruses to be added to foods to combat bacteria

Filed under: Blogroll,Health — jmanty @ 6:53 am

Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? Let’s see. To combat bacteria, such as listeria, in foods such as cold cuts, sausages and hot dogs, the FDA has approved the addition of viruses to these foods. So, theoretically, these viruses attack only bacteria, not plant or human material, but doesn’t anyone but me remember that viruses have a nasty habit of mutating? Sure, today, they only make your lunch meat “safe”, but tomorrow the government will be announcing the need to find a “lunch meat flu” vaccine before we all die from the “lunch meat flu” pandemic.

This is my favorite quote from the article. Caroline Smith DeWaal, director of food safety for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said .”They (the FDA) couldn’t approve this product if they had questions about its safety.” Oh, yeah, the FDA would NEVER approve anything that later turns out to kill people (cough, Vioxx…. cough, antidpresseants…. cough, NSAIDs… I don’t need to keep coughing, do I? You’ve gotten my point?).

If you think I’m overexaggerating, try the Yahoo search for FDA drugs that kill and the Google search for FDA drugs that kill. Ironically, the news story about viruses added to food is one of the news articles that comes up for this search.

Oh, and in case you think that you’ll just avoid the food products that have been treated… they’re not going to label the products that use this method. Yep, makes me glad I’m a vegetarian.

May 28, 2006

Do you buy Horizon milk?

Filed under: Blogroll — jmanty @ 4:46 pm

Then you need to read the Cornucopia Institute’s complaint against Horizon dairies. In their grievance filed with the USDA, they allege that Horizon is essentially not pasturing their animals and, in essence, is raising them in a factory setting.

The main difference between Horizon and any other non-organic dairy, they claim, is that they are fed organic feed. Feed is only one small part of the healthy cattle picture, and I don’t think it’s what most organic consumers think they’re getting when they pay twice as much for organic milk. Is this what you picture when you think of the happy cows from which you obtain your organic milk?

You can read more on the Cornucopia Institute’s website (February article– just scroll down).

Organic Consumers Association seeks your help

Filed under: Blogroll — jmanty @ 4:28 pm

As you may know, the USDA has proposed changes to their National Organic Program. The Organic Consumers Association is asking you to send a message to the USDA that organic consumers expect organic dairy cattle to be pasture raised, not raised in feedlots. To find out more and to send a message to Mark A. Bradley, Associate Deputy Administer of Transportation and Marketing Programs for the National Organic Program, visit the Organic Consumers Association website. You can also find out more information at the Cornucopia Institute.

May 23, 2006

Got Milk? Want twins?

Filed under: Blogroll,Natural Birth — jmanty @ 9:43 am

A recent article in Journal of Reproductive Medicine found that women who consume milk are five times more likely than vegans to conceive twins. The suspected culprit is insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which is released from animals’ livers in response to growth hormone and finds its way into their milk. Levels of the hormone are about 13 percent lower in vegan women than in women who eat dairy, the team suggests.

Theoretically, hormone-free milk should contain a lower amount of IGF, as well. So, if you’re not interested in multiplying your family at a rapid rate, especially if twins run in your family, you might want to check out organic milk. Or even better, find a local source for raw milk.

April 12, 2006

Can people afford to eat healthy food?

Filed under: Blogroll,Health,Sustainable Living — jmanty @ 8:17 am

This is a bit of a departure from the normal writing contained here, but in researching yesterday’s post, I came across another article written by Professor John Ikerd that I think addresses very well the question of eating well on a budget. Professor Ikerd has generously allowed me to reprint the article here for you. Thank you, Professor Ikerd. I hope you all find this article as interesting and educational as I did.

Anyone Can Afford Good Food,
originally published as part of “Sustaining People through Agriculture series,” Small Farm Today Magazine, Missouri Farm Publications, Clark, MO. March-April, 2005

“Perhaps people who have money can eat like that, but what about poor people?” I hear comments such as this in nearly every discussion of the growing opportunities for people to eat more locally grown, sustainably produced foods. My typical response is that just about anyone anywhere can find good locally grown food these days and just about anyone can afford it.

Locally grown foods, particularly meat, milk, and eggs, are probably going to cost a good bit more than comparable items in the supermarkets. But most people, even those with modest incomes, can afford to buy good local foods, simply by spending a bit less on other things that add less to their health and happiness. As I have written before, costs of good local foods tend to be higher because local sustainable producers pay the full cost of production; they don’t pollute the environment or exploit other people in the production process. Once people understand the differences between typical industrially produced foods and local sustainably produced foods – in terms of freshness, flavor, wholesomeness, and nutrition, as well as social and ethical integrity – good local food acquires a priority that makes it seem easily affordable.

The average American family spends only about a dime out of each dollar of disposable income for food. So, spending ten or even twenty percent more for good food only requires spending one or two percent more of the typical family’s income for food, rather than for some other discretionary budget item. In some cases, good food may not require actually giving up anything else. For example, the average American family today spends about fifteen percent of their income for health care, and as we learn more about the linkages of diet with health, it’s becoming evident that spending a bit more for good food could result in spending a lot less for healthcare.

“People living in poverty don’t have discretionary income,” is the typical response I get when I talk about being willing to pay the full costs of good food. “They can’t afford either good food or healthcare.” Admittedly, for people living in poverty, choosing good food is more of a challenge. Some poor people may spend up to half of their income for food. For these people, spending another ten to twenty percent for food would require five to ten percent more income, since they can’t take it from anywhere else in their budget. But, the challenge can be met.

First, from each dime the average American consumer spends for food, about eight cents goes to pay for the processing, transportation, storage, and packaging that makes food more convenient, and for the advertising that persuades people that convenience is more important than food. So the average consumer actually spends only about two cents from each dollar of their income for food – for what they actually eat. This means lower income consumers spending half of their income for food may easily spend forty percent of their income for convenience, rather than food.

Lower income consumers often buy food in smaller quantities, buy more highly processed foods, and buy more pre-prepared, take-out, or fast foods. Many don’t have the money to buy in bulk, don’t have freezers for storage, and don’t have time to prepare food, because they are working long hours or two jobs. As a result, the poor may actually spend proportionally more for convenience and less for food than does the average consumer.

Obviously, a poor person can’t afford to buy as much of everything as a wealthy person can. So, poor people may not be able to afford both good food and the level of convenience that many Americans have come to expect with their food. But, they can choose between good food and convenience, even if they can’t afford both. If a person spending fifty percent of their income on food was able to buy all of their food from local producers in its raw or unprocessed form, they could theoretically save the equivalent of forty percent of their income simply by buying food locally and preparing their own food. They would avoid all of the eighty percent of total food costs accounted for by processing, transportation, storage, packaging, and advertising.

Realistically, no one can actually save this entire amount, as it would require slaughtering animals for meat, milling grain for bread, etc. In addition, some raw food items, such as raw milk, are not sold direct from farmers to consumers in all locations. But, it is realistic to believe that most consumers could save half or more of the cost they currently pay for convenience by buying locally and preparing their own food. Practically all vegetables and many fruits and berries are readily available to consumers from local farmers during their normal local growing seasons. Meat, milk, and eggs are often available locally in minimally processed forms. Flour for bread and grains for cereal are often available, if not locally, at least direct from a miller. Some retail food stores also offer raw and minimally processed items bought from local growers.

Every individual situation will be a bit different, but realistically, a person spending half of their income for food might save the equivalent of a twenty to thirty percent of their income by preparing their own food from raw or minimally processed local food items. Hours spent preparing meals can be as economically beneficial as hours spent working for pay. Costs of transportation, childcare, or special clothing may dramatically reduce the net income from additional work. A person working long hours, or even two jobs, may actually be better off financially after cutting back to a normal workweek and preparing their own food. Thus, the economic obstacles to good eating are surmountable. The obstacles of being unable to buy in bulk, unable to store food, and lack of time, also can be overcome, with a bit of education and some common sense.

The costs of additional equipment for food preparation or transportation for local shopping will probably be more than offset by avoiding the expenses of a second job. Buying food in larger quantities when the weekly paycheck comes in is as easy as setting aside a few dollars for savings. Bulk buying actually is an investment that will be paid back with interest with each meal. The money saved on food during times when many local foods are in-season can quickly pay off an investment in canning equipment or a second-hand freezer. Anyone with normal intelligence and an able body can afford to eat good food.

To demonstrate the practically of eating good local food on a “food stamp budget,” Robert Waldrop, president of the Oklahoma food alliance, tried it for a week. He combined (1) frugal supermarket shopping, (2) preparing meals from basic ingredients, (3) buying local foods, (4) gardening, (5) food storage, and (6) home preservation of food to create a healthy, affordable, practical, and environmentally sustainable meal plan. And, he said, “the food had to be satisfying and taste good too, otherwise, what’s the point?”

The bottom line, he was able to provide a healthy diet for two people, with seventy-three percent local foods, for a cost of just over $60, which is a bit less that the current food stamp allowance for two people. Waldrop’s website,, provides many more details. His basic point is, even poor people can afford good, local food.

A commitment to eating good food represents far more than a change in shopping habits. It is a commitment to a new lifestyle for everyone who makes it, but is even more so for people with low incomes. First, a person with less income is not likely to have the nutrition education necessary to choose a low-cost, healthy diet from the smaller seasonal variety of locally available foods. Second, they may also lack the necessary skills for food preparation, processing, and storage. However, most people probably realize they can overcome these deficiencies, if they had a good reason to do so. Publicly supported educational programs are available for anyone who is interested in learning to select and prepare their own food. But, self-education requires a personal commitment.

The lack of time for food preparation may seem more difficult. However, families that are willing to make a commitment to good food may find they actually have more time for the things that they now find important in life. First, some local foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and cheese, require little preparation. In addition, children of all ages, and both genders, can be productive participants in food preparation and processing. Families can rediscover the true meaning to quality time preparing good food and enjoying it together. Time devoted to preparing and eating good food can be time for learning, for creative expression, and for sharing of values and culture among family and friends, not time wasted. Time spent preparing food also leaves less time to be filled with unproductive, counterproductive, and often costly distractions.

Even families with limited income may find that they can actually live better by spending more time and money for good local food and less of both on other things that are no longer necessities in a family that shares an appreciation for good food. People, rich and poor, need only find the courage to reject the bombardment of advertising that tells them food is nothing but fuel to be purchased as cheaply as possible, prepared easily as possible, and consumed as quickly as possible. The enjoyment of preparing and eating good, sustainably produced, local food is well worth the extra time, effort, and money.

April 11, 2006

My issue with Wal-Mart

Filed under: Blogroll — jmanty @ 2:35 pm

I recently had a reader who questioned how I could possibly be opposed to Wal-Mart carrying more organic food? Surely, my opposition must mean that I think only the wealthy should be allowed to eat organic. It must mean that I’m ignorant or arrogant or both.

Here is what it really means: WalMart has proved destructive to every industry it has touched. Most businesses who have started doing business with WalMart have eventually been forced to outsource their labor. So, what will this mean to the organic industry? Will organic suppliers no longer be able to afford to continue growing?

I have to admit I’m not an expert, but if you’re interested in reading what the experts have to say on the subject, you can read this paper by Professor Emeritus John Ikerd, who specializes in agricultural economics. Here is an excerpt:

The national supermarkets could be joined by food discount chains, such as Walmart, in initiating a round of cut-throat price competition — which to date has not been seen in organic markets. Walmart is notorious for driving out competition by cutting prices. Supermarkets will not mount a major national advertising and promotion campaign for organic foods, until they have a strategy for ensuring that each dollar spent for organic doesn’t mean a dollar less spent for non-organic foods in their stores. Thus, they will attempt first to gain market share from the specialty chains. They may force the specialty chains out of business through price cutting, or may buy them out if pricing them out becomes too expensive.

Under either scenario, price cutting at the retail level will force prices paid to organic producers to the lowest possible levels. Organic producers will be forced to specialize, standardize, and centralize their production systems in order to achieve economies of scale and reduce costs to levels necessary for survival. Many smaller, independent organic producers will be forced out of business by reoccurring production surpluses and chronically depressed prices. Organic consumers may benefit from lower prices, at least initially, but they will no longer have choices among products produced under alternative “organic-like” production methods. Standard organic methods will reflect the least cost means of meeting minimum government standards.

Ultimately, mass markets for organic foods will be controlled by a few large corporate retailers and will be supplied by a few large corporate producers. Supplies will be restricted in order to stabilize prices at levels high enough to yield acceptable returns to corporate investors. Only then will stability and profitability return to organic mass markets. Organics will have become industrialized.

So, there you have it. A summary of my non-arrogant, non-ignorant concerns over Wal-Mart entering the organic industry. Feel free to disagree.

April 4, 2006

Sustainable seafood

Filed under: Blogroll — jmanty @ 8:11 am

There’s a new trend in the organic/sustainable food industry– sustainable seafood. Even giants like WalMart are starting to demand seafood obtained in a more environmentally friendly manner. Some of this is concern for the environment, but of even more concern is the idea that some of these overfished populations may simply cease to exist in numbers sufficient to support the food market.

March 13, 2006

Hain creates organic formula

Filed under: Blogroll,Breastfeeding — jmanty @ 7:41 am

We all know that breast is best. And I, in no way, want to promote the use of formula when breastfeeding is an option. But I wish I had this option when I had to go on medication that required me to stop nursing. I’m sure this would have been better than what we used, instead.

MELVILLE, N.Y., March 10, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ — The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: HAIN) today announced plans to introduce and roll out a line of Earth’s Best(R) Organic Infant Formula. The organic milk-based powder formula is patterned after breast milk for easy digestion and meets all FDA requirements for complete infant nutrition including vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Certified USDA Organic, the Earth’s Best Infant Formula is produced without the use of antibiotics, no genetically engineered ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

“We’ve been working on an organic infant formula for a long time and are pleased to offer this important product for newborns,” said Irwin D. Simon, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hain Celestial. “Our Earth’s Best brand now offers a broad product line to start babies on an organic path including infant, toddler and kids products with formula, juices, jarred vegetables, fruits and blends, cereals, cookies and bars, crackers, applesauce and soups-all with age-appropriate formulations.

Earth’s Best, the leading brand of organic baby and toddler foods sold in natural food stores, is a trusted name with pediatricians and parents alike. Look for Earth’s Best Organic Infant Formula in the spring. It’s the Earth’s Best Way to Grow(TM) toward A Healthy Way of Life(TM).

March 9, 2006

WalMart is going organic

Filed under: Blogroll — jmanty @ 7:14 am

I’m truly afraid of what this means for the organic market. Sure, initially, people will think it’s great. They’ll be able to buy organic products for probably half the price. But what happens next? Does Whole Foods go out of business? Are organic producers forced to outsource their manufacturing and production? I just don’t like it. I won’t be buying my organic products there.

February 12, 2006

Organic Consumers Association urges fair trade chocolate purchases for Valentine’s Day

Filed under: Blogroll,Organic businesses — jmanty @ 7:58 am

Flowers and chocolates are pretty standard gifts for Valentine’s Day, but many people don’t realize that they are giving gifts tainted by tainted by toxic pesticides, child slavery, and labor exploitation. The Organic Consumers Association has created a Valentine’s Day page to help consumers make wise choices about gifts for their Sweetie.

February 1, 2006

Organic Valley Launches Breakthrough ‘Heart of Farming’ Web Column by Photo-Journalist Carrie Branovan

Filed under: Blogroll,Organic businesses — jmanty @ 9:23 am

LAFARGE, Wis., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ — The Heart of Farming, a new monthly
multimedia storytelling feature that connects America’s new generation of
organic farmers to their urban counterparts, has been launched by Organic
Valley Family of Farms, the cooperative that helped pioneer organic
agriculture in the U.S.
Available on the Organic Valley website at , The Heart of Farming is shot, edited,
and produced by award-winning photo journalist Carrie Branovan, exclusively
for Organic Valley Family of Farms. Branovan has been traveling across the
nation photographing organic farmers for the past five years. While she
walked through pastures, waited for the rain to pass, and sat at the farmhouse
kitchen table sharing pie and coffee, she was treated to some of the best
stories she had ever heard. This year, Organic Valley’s web team asked her to
share those stories with a larger community. The farmers’ voices and
beautiful photographic images are now blended together and embellished with
locally produced music. The result is an entertaining, thoughtful and
inspiring slice of life.
“The Heart of Farming is about the values that are shared by urban and
rural folks who think outside the box, and challenge existing paradigms,” said
Branovan noted that The Heart of Farming is a “creative vehicle that
connects the organic community — values to values — with the folks that
produce their food.” Farmers are able to tell stories in their own voices,
expressing their thoughts about a diverse range of topics.
“Organic farmers represent a renaissance population that thinks beyond
conventional farming methods, challenges popular thought, and often reinvents
what their parents and universities have taught them about chemically
intensive farming. These farmers are unusually intuitive, bright, talented,
and gregarious; they share a strong sense of justice and social
responsibility,” said Branovan.
The first Heart of Farming episode features farmers Laurie and Lee
Arboreal and 4-year-old daughter Iris, first generation market gardeners in
central Michigan. Viewers are treated to a story from Laurie, and invited to
reflect on managing life’s challenges, against a background of vibrant organic
images of food, flowers and family. Branovan pauses to ask, “Is it that
philosophers make great organic farmers, or that living a life close to the
rhythms of the earth creates philosophers? Maybe both!”
“The Heart of Farming is an authentic voice for a brand that has pioneered
the organic movement,” said Theresa Marquez, chief marketing executive of
Organic Valley, an unprecedented cooperative model owned by 730 organic family
farmers across the U.S. “It is an excellent example of Organic Valley’s
commitment to connecting citizen consumers to the farmers who produce their
food, renewing America’s pride in its agrarian roots, and celebrating the
growth of the organic movement.”
Each month’s Heart of Farming episode will be featured in Rootstock,
Organic Valley’s monthly e-magazine. To subscribe, follow the prompts to
become a member of Farm Friends at .

January 24, 2006

Not really news, but I thought you’d like to know

Filed under: Blogroll,Organic businesses — jmanty @ 7:35 am

In this month’s Vegetarian Times, I read a brief mention of maple fudge made by Krueger-Norton Family Sugarhouse. It sounds absolutely delicious, and it contains only organic maple syrup, Vermont cream and walnuts. It sounds like a great sweet treat. For more information or to order maple fudge, syrup or candies, visit their site.

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