Do you buy Horizon milk?
Then you need to read the Cornucopia Institute’s complaint against Horizon dairies. In their grievance filed with the USDA, they allege that Horizon is essentially not pasturing their animals and, in essence, is raising them in a factory setting.
The main difference between Horizon and any other non-organic dairy, they claim, is that they are fed organic feed. Feed is only one small part of the healthy cattle picture, and I don’t think it’s what most organic consumers think they’re getting when they pay twice as much for organic milk. Is this what you picture when you think of the happy cows from which you obtain your organic milk?
You can read more on the Cornucopia Institute’s website (February article– just scroll down).
No, I do not purchase milk from Horizon or any other corporation either. I get my milk from a local organic goat farm that has 50 goats, is independent and the owners know all of the goats by name!
Comment by Lonomia — November 10, 2006 @ 9:22 am