Pool area not for breastfeeding
A woman in Ann Arbor was recently told by the local YWCA that she could not breastfeed by the pool, because they have a policy that there can be no food or water in the pool area. I’m sorry, but this just makes me want to laugh. Whether or not she nursed the baby there, the milk is still going to be in her breasts. So, if you’re going to take the stance that nursing a baby is having food by the pool, I guess you’re going to have to ban all lactating women from the pool area. You can read the article here.
Likewise, I would think a screaming baby would be more of a distraction than a discreetly nursing mother– or young women in bikinis, for that matter. I hope they have a strict dress code at that YMCA.
Comment by jmanty — January 18, 2006 @ 1:27 pm