Vitamin D lowers cancer risk
A new study has found that there is a clear link between Vitamin D intake and breast, ovarian, and colon cancers. Researchers are urging people to increase their intake of the vitamin to up to 1000 IU.
I have heard natural health people say for years that more indoor living combined with use of sunblocks all the time was decreasing the amount of Vitamin D that people were receiving through the most easily achieved method– sunlight exposure. 10-15 minutes of sunlight several times per week is supposed to be sufficient for the amount of Vitamin D a person needs. Other good sources of naturally occurring Vitamin D are cod liver oil, salmon, and other fatty fishes.
So, do your health a favor. Kill two birds with one stone. Get your kids out and take a walk around the block. You’ll help your heart. You’ll increase your Vitamin D supplies. And you and the kids will enjoy it.