My husband’s blog on medical statistics
My husband has a blog where he writes about various things that amuse or annoy him. His most recent blog contains both things that amuse and annoy. There’s a long discussion on medical statistics that continue to deny that injuries are caused by vaccines. While this seems like a serious subject, there is some humor. Take for instance this fictitious exchange between a doctor being paid by the auto industry for consulting:
Patient: “Doctor my fo0t really hurts, because that car ran over it a couple of hours ago. Can you tell me what’s wrong with it?”
Doctor: “According to the X-Rays you have three broken toes and some torn ligaments. But I don’t believe it was the car’s fault. I think you must have hurt it some other way.”
Patient: “But doctor the CAR RAN OVER MY FOOT, and right after that my foot was throbbing in pain.”
Doctor: “Yes, but statistically speaking cars don’t cause f0ot injuries. I am pretty sure your fo0t hurts because someone stepped on it or maybe you stepped on an uneven surface after the car ran over your f0ot.”
Patient: “It’s got to be the car, nobody stepped on my f0ot! A CAR RAN OVER IT!”
Doctor: “There’s just no way that a car running over your fo0t could have caused those broken toes. I have never seen that happen before. I am sure it must have been something else. You probably stepped on your own f0ot without realizing it.”
Patient: “Arghhh!”
To read the entire article, visit his blog.